Wdrażanie koncepcji miast krótkich odległości jako element budowy odporności współczesnych ośrodków osadniczych
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city of short distances
15-minute city
multifaceted city resilience

How to Cite

Rynio, D. (2024). Wdrażanie koncepcji miast krótkich odległości jako element budowy odporności współczesnych ośrodków osadniczych. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, 17(70), 45–61. https://doi.org/10.14746/rrpr.2024.70s.05


The concept of short distance cities is implemented in centers of various sizes and economic status. Cities operate in a turbulent environment, which determines the need to shape their multifaceted resilience. Rapid changes taking place in the economy determine the need for cities to quick respond, adapt and counteract the negative effects of these changes. The aim of the study is to identify the possibilities offered by the implementation of the idea of short distance cities in the city’s resilience to contemporary challenges and to indicate the priorities determining the construction of multi-aspect resilience of Vienna and Wrocław contained in their strategic documents. Achieving this goal required answers to basic research questions:

  1. What are the characteristics of a short distance city and how does it function in contemporary conditions?
  2. What is the resilience of short distance cities?
  3. What are the basis for building the resilience of a short distance city on the example of Vienna and Wrocław?

The implementation of the short distance city concept was analyzed in two cities, Vienna and Wrocław. The research objects were selected on the basis of similarities: cities in the EU (legal basis, city construction concepts), relatively large cities, green, the presence of a significant river resource. The research methods used in the study are: studies of literature and strategic documents, case study and the observation method. The study found that implementing the concept of short distance cities in an urban center is a process and supports the multifaceted resilience of the city, as is the case in Vienna and Wrocław.

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