Intensive urbanization and the dynamic development of contemporary cities have led to a significant reduction in spatial resources. This necessitates changing the approach to managing urban space, emphasizing its economical and sustainable use. This article is theoretical and aims to present the conceptual assumptions of a circular economy concerning urban space and the effects of its circular utilization. In order to achieve the research goal, the first step involved a literature review on circular economy and a discussion of space renewability, revealing various possibilities for its re-adaptation while considering the physical limitations. The conceptual framework for circular space management is presented in the next section, and its various stages are discussed. Subsequently, potential economic, social, and environmental effects of the circular use of urban space are developed and categorized to complement the discussed concept. In the final part, the principles of the circular economy, the essence of “reuse” and “recycling” of space, are highlighted and subjected to terminological discussion. As a result of the research, the author presented that the concept of circular space management involves reducing the “consumption” of new land, reusing previously developed areas, and mitigating the negative impacts of new investments by undertaking actions to restore ecological balance. This idea – alongside the management of water, energy, and waste cycles, as well as the reduction of transport and harmful substances – is not a temporary trend but an absolute necessity for the sustainable development of cities.
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