This article presents changes made to public spaces by selected medium and small towns in the Łódzkie Region after Poland’s accession to the European Union, and their evaluation by users. It is based on a desk research analysis of revitalisation programmes and implemented investments, field research and surveys. It shows that the transformation of squares has often limited the green space and, according to respondents, does not sufficiently relate to the history of the place. The changes were carried out without the involvement of the local community and often do not meet its diverse needs.
The results of the analyses may be an element of the scientific discussion on the revitalisation of public spaces and the participation of stakeholders in this process. They also have a practical dimension. They can be useful to both the local authorities carrying out such investments and the administrators of EU funds, who evaluate projects and decide on the allocation of EU funding. Indeed, the ubiquitous concreting of markets and squares has become the subject of many debates, into which this article also contributes. Fortunately, a change in the approach to the development of this type of space in Poland can be observed, resulting, for example, from environmental considerations and the climate change proceeding at an alarming rate. This is also evident in the statements and awareness of respondents to the survey presented in this article.
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