Start-ups and the start-up ecosystem in Greater Poland as a factor in the region’s development
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Greater Poland
regional development
start-up ecosystem
start-up support
venture capital

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Czyżewska, M. (2024). Start-ups and the start-up ecosystem in Greater Poland as a factor in the region’s development. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, 17(72), 53–71.


This paper examines the role of the start-up ecosystem in the economic development of Greater Poland. Start-ups, defined as temporary organisations seeking a scalable business model, play a key role in stimulating innovation and region development. A review of the literature on start- ups and start-up ecosystems is presented, and the Greater Poland ecosystem, its importance and conditions for effective functioning are characterised. Quantitative and qualitative data were used to identify challenges and opportunities for the development of start-ups in the region. The results indicate that the key elements for success are cooperation with support institutions, access to funding and the development of innovative technologies. The article concludes with recommendations for local administration, investors, universities and other ecosystem actors that influence the shape and development of the region’s start-up ecosystem. Start-ups in Greater Poland have access to well-designed support programs. A key condition, however, is that the funds are properly managed so that the start-ups can use them effectively and that investments produce concrete results. Universities should offer start-ups a space to work, support the commercialization of research, and help students and graduates to develop business ideas. The regional start-up system is concentrated around Poznań, but it is worth extending activities to other cities by including local institutions in the co-creation of start-up initiatives.
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