The article aims to characterize the processes taking place in services in the Poznań agglomeration in the years 2009–2023. The objective is achieved by: 1) identifying general trends in the field of services in the agglomeration; (2) analysis of the structure of services in the agglomeration in the sections of the Polish Classification of Activities 2007; (3) characteristics of the main trends and directions of development of services in the agglomeration and in municipalities. The analysis of structural changes will be carried out based on the Polish classification of activities and data on the number of primary controllers in REGON published by the Central Statistical Office in BDL. Test results in the area of control services are controlled and taken into account. Dynamic development also applies to job placement, disposal, and social care. Alternatively, the share of services represented by trade and transport (from courier activities) is decreasing. Commercial activities include participation in services during the analyzed period covered by the reduction. Significant changes are also recorded in the spatial aspect of the agglomeration. The dynamic development of services is observed not only in the municipalities immediately adjacent to Poznań but also in areas of municipalities more specific than Poznań. Indicators of service controllers that reach numerical values in rural areas of the peripheral zone of the Poznań agglomeration (Poznań poviat).
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