Residential real estate offer for sale: data from Wielkopolska Voivodeship and Poznań
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real estate market
residential real estate
transaction prices
offer prices
Wielkopolska Voivodeship

How to Cite

Martyniak, M. (2024). Residential real estate offer for sale: data from Wielkopolska Voivodeship and Poznań. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, 17(72), 283–296.


The Wielkopolska Voivodeship is one of the fastest developing in economic and social terms. As one of the largest academic centres, Poznań attracts students and employees who must satisfy their housing needs. The housing market, under the influence of constant price changes, should be subject to constant analysis due to the changing environment and needs of buyers. At the same time, obtaining reliable information about transaction prices is a real problem. What is the current housing offer in the capital of Wielkopolska? Are offers on the primary or secondary market dominant? Smaller or larger apartments? The aim of this publication is to answer such research questions and to indicate the current market situation of residential real estate in Poznań. The research chapter was prepared using, among others, data from the Central Statistical Office and the Local Data Bank regarding the Wielkopolska Voivodeship, as well as data on the real estate market from the database of transaction and offer prices of the National Bank of Poland. The main research material – information on offers for the sale of apartments and houses for the studied area – was obtained on July 8, 2024 in the evening from one of the largest advertising portals concerning the real estate market – In Poland, there is a lack of common data on transactions concluded on the real estate market, and those that are available are difficult to classify. Most of the data comes from banks granting mortgage loans or delayed online reports. To a large extent, this data is difficult to compare, which distorts the true picture of the market.

The analysis of the local real estate market in Poznań presented in the fourth chapter shows the number of offers of apartments and houses for sale divided into primary and secondary markets, according to the offered square footage, as well as the number of rooms. Offers were also compared in terms of price. The number of offers of apartments on the primary market and houses on the secondary market significantly predominates. Among the advertisements on the primary market, apartments with an area of 36 to 45 m2 and houses with a usable area of 81 to 100 m2 dominate. In turn, the most offers on the secondary market, both in terms of apartments and houses, are in the higher ranges, 46 to 55 m2 and 121 to 140 m2 of usable area, respectively. This confirms information from the market that both developers and buyers are focusing on smaller properties. Among the offers analyzed in terms of the number of rooms, both on the primary and secondary market, 2-room apartments and 5-room single-family houses dominate.
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