Changes in the economy of Poznań after accession to the European Union
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city economy
shocks in an environment of socio-economic and technological growth fluctuations

How to Cite

Gaczek, W. M. (2014). Changes in the economy of Poznań after accession to the European Union. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (27), 9–24.


The aim of this article is to clarify the characteristics and changes of selected elements of the city’s economy in the last several years. An attempt is made to identify the major moments of transformation of socio-economic environment and the impact of their impact on changes in the economy of Poznan. The analysis included measures of the level of economic growth, changes in business and fluctuations in the number of employed in the economy and in the business sector, labor productivity in industry and construction, wages and selected elements of the research and development sector of the city. Detailed analysis covers the period 2000–2013, but the difficulty of access to statistical data make this period in relation to certain growth factors and segments of the economy had to be shortened.
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