The impact of EU funds for the development of Poznan against the background of selected cities in Poland
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cohesion policy
the EU funds
compensatory model
polarization and diffusion model
the largest city
the first decade of EU membership

How to Cite

Churski, P. (2014). The impact of EU funds for the development of Poznan against the background of selected cities in Poland. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (27), 25–43.


Abstract: The aim of the analysis is to assess the size and structure of investments financed from EU funds raised by the local authorities of Poznan in the context of the needs and the accuracy of the identified areas of polarization development in Poland. The analysis refers to the first two financial perspectives of the European Union – 2004–2006 and 2007–2013 – in which Poland participated as a member state, including the first decade of our experience in the implementation of EU policies. The results identified for Poznan refers to the comparative analysis of the five largest Polish cities: Warsaw, Krakow, Lodz, Wroclaw and Gdansk.
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