European Union membership as the internationalization factor of science and higher education in Poznan
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higher education
European Union

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Bajerski, A., & Wawdysz, A. (2014). European Union membership as the internationalization factor of science and higher education in Poznan. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (27), 45–64.


Accession to the European Union in 2004 was undoubtedly one of the main drivers of change in science and higher education in Poland in recent years. This applies in particular to the international aspects of higher education and research institutions. Infrastructural benefits, in the form of EU funding for the construction and modernization of university buildings, laboratory equipment, etc., seem equally important.
This paper attempts to identify and assess the impact of EU membership on the situation and internationalization of science and higher education in Poznan. To this end, the paper includes analyses of four dimensions of scientific and educational activity: (1) international publishing activity – publications in the most prestigious journals, (2) international scientific cooperation under the European Union Framework Programmes (3) projects implemented by scientific institutions and universities under operational programs, and (4) internationalization of education process at universities. For comparison purposes, the state of science and higher education in Poznan has been compared to the situation in other major Polish cities. The study conducted showed that for each of the spheres analysed the benefits can be identified of EU membership for science and higher education in Poznan.
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