Public e-services in Poznań – the prospect of 10 years in the European Union
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e-public services
local government
the European Union

How to Cite

Perdał, R. (2014). Public e-services in Poznań – the prospect of 10 years in the European Union. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (27), 65–80.


The aim of the study is to analyze the development level of e-public services in Poznań, the development of which it was possible inter alia thanks to the European funds. Poznań’s situation in this field has been referred to the largest cities in Poland using EU funds for the development of e-government. In the first stage of the research the operational programs under which it was possible to co-finance the development of e-government were analysed. In the second stage there was an analysis of the absorption of EU funds by the studied cities in relation to other units of local government, and the third stage discusses projects from EU funds for the development of e-government in the studied cities. The last, fourth stage of the research includes the analysis of the development level of e-government measured by the development level of selected public e-services in 2011 and 2014, part of which is a consequence of used EU funds.
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