Lagging regions of Slovakia in the context of their competitiveness


Lagging regions
functional urban regions (FURs)
economic agreggate (EA)
basic regions

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Korec, P. (2014). Lagging regions of Slovakia in the context of their competitiveness. Rozwój Regionalny I Polityka Regionalna, (25), 113–133.


The regional structure research on national level in post-communist countries is even after twenty years being very topical. A number of facts contribute to this, as for example continuing deepening of regional disparities, or the effort to create an effective regional policy on various government levels. This paper notes lagging regions of Slovakia, while placing one main objective: to identify the lagging regions of Slovakia, based on the previous assessment of development of two main indicators, the unemployment rate and the economy performance. An increased interest in regional competitiveness studies within recent years has been conditional to many circumstances. In this paper we divide the discussions on chosen questions in theory and methodology of regional competitiveness studies, and an empiric analyze of competitiveness of Slovak regions, first of all lagging regions of Slovakia.


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