This article isolates the main phases of the research into school effectiveness, at the same time emphasizing the specificityof attitudes, the dominant directions and the conclusions drawn in particular phases. The approach adopted emphasizes key achievements which have influencedthe direction of research and as such define the contemporary understanding of an effective school.
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Averch H.A. i in., How Effective is Schooling-T. A-Critical Review of Research, Englewood Cliffs, Educational Technology Publications, New Jersey 1974.
Bernstein B., Education cannot compensate for society, New Society, 1970, 15(387).
Blakey L., Heath A.F., Differences between comprehensive schools: Some preliminary findings, [w:] Schools effectiveness: Research, policy and practice, red. P. Cuttance, D. Reynolds, Cas-sell, London 1992.
Brookover W.B., Lezotte L.W., Changes in School Characteristics Coincident with Changes in Student Achievement, Michigan State University. Michigan 1977.
Brookover W.B., Beady C., Flood P., Schweitzer J., Wisenbaker J., School social system and student achievement: Schools can make a difference. Praeger, New York 1979.
Bush T., School Autonomy and School Improvement, [w:] Merging Traditions. The Future of Research on School Effectiveness and School Improvement, red. J. Gray, D. Reynolds, C. Fitz-Gibbon, D. Jesson, London – New York 1996.
Cheng Y.C., The Theory and Characteristics of School based Management, International Journal of Educational Management, 1993, 7, 6.
Cheng Y.C., Function and Effectiveness of Education (In Chinese), Wide Angle Press, Hong Kong 1995.
Chrispeels J.H., Harris A., Conclusion: Future directions for the field, [w:] Improving schools and educational systems: International perspectives, red. A. Harris, J.H. Chrispeels, Routledge, London – New York 2006.
Coleman J.S., Campbell E.Q., Hobson C.J., McPartland J., Mood A.M., Weinfeld F.D., York R.L., Equality of Educational Opportunity, US Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. 1966.
Creemers B., Kyriakides L., The Dynamics of Educational Effectiveness: A Contribution to policy, practice and theory in contemporary schools, Routlege, London – New York 2008.
Creemers B.P.M., The effective classroom, Cassell, London 1994.
Deal T.E., Kennedy A.A., Corporate Cultures: The Rites and Rituals of Corporate Life, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth 1982.
Edmonds R., Effective Schools for the Urban Poor, Educational Leadership, 1979, 37.
Edmonds R., Programs of School Improvement: An Overview, Educational Leadership, De-cember 1982, w: http://www.ascd.org/ASCD/pdf/journals/ed_lead/el_198212_ed-monds.pdf dostęp: lipiec 2017.
Euridice, School Autonomy in Europe Policies and Measures, Brussels 2007.
Fend H., Najlepsza polityka oświatowa czy najlepszy kontekst uczenia się? [w:] Szkoła w Niemczech. Rozwój – autonomia – środowisko, red. I. Nowosad, A. Sander, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2009.
Fleming T., Raptis H., School Improvement in Action: Case Studies from British Columbia, Society for the Advancement of Excellence in Education, October 2004, Research Series 21A.
Fullan M., Change Processes in Secondary Schools: Towards a More Fundamental Agenda, Un-published document, University of Toronto, Toronto 1988.
Goldstein H., Methods in school effectiveness research, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 1997, 8.
Goldstein H., The Statistical procedures in Fifteen Thousand Hours. Fifteen Thousand Hours: a discussion. B. Tizard, Institute of Education, London 1980.
Gray D.L., Smith A.E., Case Studies in 21st Century School Administration: Addressing Challenges for Educational Leadership, Sage, Thousand Oaks – London – New Delhi 2007.
Handy Ch., Schools for life and work, [w:] Living Education: Essays in Honour of John Tomilnson, red. P. Mortimore, V. Little, Paul Chapman Publishing, London 1997.
Handy Ch., Aitken R., Understanding Schools as Organizations, Penguin, Harmondsworth 1986.
Heck R.H., Marcoulides G.A., School Culture and Performance: Testing the Invariance of an Organizational Model, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 1996, 7(1).
Jencks Ch. i in., Inequality: A Reassessment of the Effect of Family and Schooling in America, Christopher, Basic Books, New York 1972.
Joyce B.R., Hersh R.H., McKibbin M., The Structure of School Improvement, Longan, New York 1983.
Levine D.U., Lezotte L.W., Unusually Effective Schools: A Review and Analysis of Research and Practice, WI: National Center for Effective Schools Research and Development, Madison 1990.
Lezotte L.W., Revolutionary and Evolutionary: The Effective Schools Movement, w: https://www.edutopia.org/pdfs/edutopia.org-closing-achievement-gap-lezotte-article.pdf, [dostęp: lipiec 2017].
Maslowski R., School culture and school performance. An explorative study into the organiza-tional culture of secondary schools and their effects, Enschede, Twente University Press, Enschede 2001.
Mortimore P., School Effectiveness Research: which way at the crossroads? School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 1991, 2(3).
Mortimore P., Can Effective Schools Compensate for Society? [w:] Education: Culture, Econo-my, and Society, red. A.H. Halsey, H. Lauder, P. Brown, A.S. Wells, Oxford University Press, Oxford – New York 1997.
Mortimore P., Sammons P., Stoll L., Lewis D., Ecob R., School Matters, the Junior Years, Open Books, Wells 1988.
Nowosad I., Perspektywy rozwoju szkoły. Szkice z teorii szkoły, Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych, Warszawa 2003.
Nowosad I., Autonomia szkoły publicznej w Niemczech. Poszukiwania, konteksty, uwarunkowania, Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, Zielona Góra 2008.
Nowosad I., Przemiany koncepcji autonomii szkół publicznych w Europie, [w:] Edukacja alternatywna w XXI wieku, red. Z. Melosik, B. Śliwerski, Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls, Kraków 2010.
Nuttall D., Letter to The Independent, “The Independent”, 21 November 1992.
Nuttall D., Goldstein H., Prosser R., Rasbash J., Differential schools effectiveness, International Journal of Educational Research, 1989, 13(7).
OECD, Lernen für das Leben. Erste Ergebnisse der internationalen, Schulleistungsstudie PISA 2000, Paris 2001.
Ornstein A.S., Hunkins F.P., Program szkolny. Założenia, zasady, problematyka, przekł. K. Kruszewski, Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, Warszawa 1998.
Pang N.S.K., Organizational Cultures of Excellent Schools in Hong Kong, Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association San Diego, CA, April 13-17, 1998, w: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Potulicka E., Nowa teoria zmiany edukacyjnej, [w:] Pedagogika porównawcza. Konteksty teoretyczne i praktyczne, red. Z. Jasiński, E. Karcz, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, Opole 2005.
Purkey S.C., Smith M.S., Effective schools: A review, The Elementary School Journal, 1983, 83(4).
Raptis H., Fleming T., Reframing Education: How to Create Effective Schools, C.D. Howe Institute Commentary, Howe Institute, Toronto 2003, October, 188.
Reynolds D., School effectiveness, school improvement and contemporary educational policies, [w:] Contemporary Educational Policy and Politics, red. J. Demaine, Macmillan, London 1999.
Rutter M., Maughan B., Mortimore P., Ouston J., Smith A., Fifteen Thousand Hours: Second-ary schools and their effects on children, Open Books, London 1979.
Sammons P., Hillman J., Mortimore P., Key Characteristics of Effective Schools: A Review of School Effectiveness Research, Report by the Institute of Education, University of London, Office for Standards in Education, London 1995.
Scheerens J., Effective schooling, research, theory and practice, Cassell, UK: London 1992.
Scheerens J., Conceptual models and theory – embedded principles on effective schooling, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 1997, 8.
Scheerens J., Educational Effectiveness and Ineffectiveness: A Critical Review of the Knowledge Base, Springer, Dordrecht – Heidelberg – New York – London 2015.
Scheerens J., Bosker R.J., The foundations of educational effectiveness, Elsevier Science, UK: Oxford 1997.
Scheerens J., Creemers B.P., Conceptualizing school effectiveness, International Journal of Ed-ucational Research, 1989, 13(7).
Slee R., Weiner G., Tomlinson S., School effectiveness for whom? Challenges to the school effec-tiveness and school improvement, Falmer Press, London 1998.
Smink G., The Cardiff conference, ICSIE 1991, Network News International, 1991, 1(3).
Stringlield S.C., Attempting to enhance students’ learning through innovative programs: The case for school evolving into high reliability organizations, School Effectiveness and School Im-provement, 1995, 6.
Śliwerski B., Problemy współczesnej edukacji. Dekonstrukcja polityki oświatowej III RP, Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne, Warszawa 2009.
Śliwerski B., Autonomia szkół w Europie, Nowa Szkoła, 2000, 2(580).
Teddlie C., Reynolds D., International handbook of school effectiveness research, Falmer, London – New York 2000.
Thrupp M., Schools Making a Difference: Let’s Be Realistic!: School Mix, School Effectiveness, and the Social Limits of Reform, Open University Press, London 1999.
Townsend T., Clarke P., Ainscow M., Third Millennium Schools: prospects and problems for school effectiveness and school improvement, [w:] Third Millennium Schools: A World of Difference in Effectiveness and Improvement, red. T. Townsend, P. Clarke, M. Ainscow, Swets and Zeitlinger, The Netherlands: Lisse 1999.
Weiner G., Auditing failure: moral competence and school effectiveness, British Educational Re-search Journal, 2002, 28(6).
Wildy H., Dimmock C., Instructional leadership in Western Australian primary and secondary school, University of Western Australia, Nedlands 1992.
Averch H.A. i in., How Effective is Schooling-T. A-Critical Review of Research, Englewood Cliffs, Educational Technology Publications, New Jersey 1974.
Bernstein B., Education cannot compensate for society, New Society, 1970, 15(387).
Blakey L., Heath A.F., Differences between comprehensive schools: Some preliminary findings, [w:] Schools effectiveness: Research, policy and practice, red. P. Cuttance, D. Reynolds, Cas-sell, London 1992.
Brookover W.B., Lezotte L.W., Changes in School Characteristics Coincident with Changes in Student Achievement, Michigan State University. Michigan 1977.
Brookover W.B., Beady C., Flood P., Schweitzer J., Wisenbaker J., School social system and student achievement: Schools can make a difference. Praeger, New York 1979.
Bush T., School Autonomy and School Improvement, [w:] Merging Traditions. The Future of Research on School Effectiveness and School Improvement, red. J. Gray, D. Reynolds, C. Fitz-Gibbon, D. Jesson, London – New York 1996.
Cheng Y.C., The Theory and Characteristics of School based Management, International Journal of Educational Management, 1993, 7, 6.
Cheng Y.C., Function and Effectiveness of Education (In Chinese), Wide Angle Press, Hong Kong 1995.
Chrispeels J.H., Harris A., Conclusion: Future directions for the field, [w:] Improving schools and educational systems: International perspectives, red. A. Harris, J.H. Chrispeels, Routledge, London – New York 2006.
Coleman J.S., Campbell E.Q., Hobson C.J., McPartland J., Mood A.M., Weinfeld F.D., York R.L., Equality of Educational Opportunity, US Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. 1966.
Creemers B., Kyriakides L., The Dynamics of Educational Effectiveness: A Contribution to policy, practice and theory in contemporary schools, Routlege, London – New York 2008.
Creemers B.P.M., The effective classroom, Cassell, London 1994.
Deal T.E., Kennedy A.A., Corporate Cultures: The Rites and Rituals of Corporate Life, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth 1982.
Edmonds R., Effective Schools for the Urban Poor, Educational Leadership, 1979, 37.
Edmonds R., Programs of School Improvement: An Overview, Educational Leadership, De-cember 1982, w: http://www.ascd.org/ASCD/pdf/journals/ed_lead/el_198212_ed-monds.pdf dostęp: lipiec 2017.
Euridice, School Autonomy in Europe Policies and Measures, Brussels 2007.
Fend H., Najlepsza polityka oświatowa czy najlepszy kontekst uczenia się? [w:] Szkoła w Niemczech. Rozwój – autonomia – środowisko, red. I. Nowosad, A. Sander, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2009.
Fleming T., Raptis H., School Improvement in Action: Case Studies from British Columbia, Society for the Advancement of Excellence in Education, October 2004, Research Series 21A.
Fullan M., Change Processes in Secondary Schools: Towards a More Fundamental Agenda, Un-published document, University of Toronto, Toronto 1988.
Goldstein H., Methods in school effectiveness research, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 1997, 8.
Goldstein H., The Statistical procedures in Fifteen Thousand Hours. Fifteen Thousand Hours: a discussion. B. Tizard, Institute of Education, London 1980.
Gray D.L., Smith A.E., Case Studies in 21st Century School Administration: Addressing Challenges for Educational Leadership, Sage, Thousand Oaks – London – New Delhi 2007.
Handy Ch., Schools for life and work, [w:] Living Education: Essays in Honour of John Tomilnson, red. P. Mortimore, V. Little, Paul Chapman Publishing, London 1997.
Handy Ch., Aitken R., Understanding Schools as Organizations, Penguin, Harmondsworth 1986.
Heck R.H., Marcoulides G.A., School Culture and Performance: Testing the Invariance of an Organizational Model, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 1996, 7(1).
Jencks Ch. i in., Inequality: A Reassessment of the Effect of Family and Schooling in America, Christopher, Basic Books, New York 1972.
Joyce B.R., Hersh R.H., McKibbin M., The Structure of School Improvement, Longan, New York 1983.
Levine D.U., Lezotte L.W., Unusually Effective Schools: A Review and Analysis of Research and Practice, WI: National Center for Effective Schools Research and Development, Madison 1990.
Lezotte L.W., Revolutionary and Evolutionary: The Effective Schools Movement, w: https://www.edutopia.org/pdfs/edutopia.org-closing-achievement-gap-lezotte-article.pdf, [dostęp: lipiec 2017].
Maslowski R., School culture and school performance. An explorative study into the organiza-tional culture of secondary schools and their effects, Enschede, Twente University Press, Enschede 2001.
Mortimore P., School Effectiveness Research: which way at the crossroads? School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 1991, 2(3).
Mortimore P., Can Effective Schools Compensate for Society? [w:] Education: Culture, Econo-my, and Society, red. A.H. Halsey, H. Lauder, P. Brown, A.S. Wells, Oxford University Press, Oxford – New York 1997.
Mortimore P., Sammons P., Stoll L., Lewis D., Ecob R., School Matters, the Junior Years, Open Books, Wells 1988.
Nowosad I., Perspektywy rozwoju szkoły. Szkice z teorii szkoły, Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych, Warszawa 2003.
Nowosad I., Autonomia szkoły publicznej w Niemczech. Poszukiwania, konteksty, uwarunkowania, Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, Zielona Góra 2008.
Nowosad I., Przemiany koncepcji autonomii szkół publicznych w Europie, [w:] Edukacja alternatywna w XXI wieku, red. Z. Melosik, B. Śliwerski, Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls, Kraków 2010.
Nuttall D., Letter to The Independent, “The Independent”, 21 November 1992.
Nuttall D., Goldstein H., Prosser R., Rasbash J., Differential schools effectiveness, International Journal of Educational Research, 1989, 13(7).
OECD, Lernen für das Leben. Erste Ergebnisse der internationalen, Schulleistungsstudie PISA 2000, Paris 2001.
Ornstein A.S., Hunkins F.P., Program szkolny. Założenia, zasady, problematyka, przekł. K. Kruszewski, Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, Warszawa 1998.
Pang N.S.K., Organizational Cultures of Excellent Schools in Hong Kong, Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association San Diego, CA, April 13-17, 1998, w: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Potulicka E., Nowa teoria zmiany edukacyjnej, [w:] Pedagogika porównawcza. Konteksty teoretyczne i praktyczne, red. Z. Jasiński, E. Karcz, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, Opole 2005.
Purkey S.C., Smith M.S., Effective schools: A review, The Elementary School Journal, 1983, 83(4).
Raptis H., Fleming T., Reframing Education: How to Create Effective Schools, C.D. Howe Institute Commentary, Howe Institute, Toronto 2003, October, 188.
Reynolds D., School effectiveness, school improvement and contemporary educational policies, [w:] Contemporary Educational Policy and Politics, red. J. Demaine, Macmillan, London 1999.
Rutter M., Maughan B., Mortimore P., Ouston J., Smith A., Fifteen Thousand Hours: Second-ary schools and their effects on children, Open Books, London 1979.
Sammons P., Hillman J., Mortimore P., Key Characteristics of Effective Schools: A Review of School Effectiveness Research, Report by the Institute of Education, University of London, Office for Standards in Education, London 1995.
Scheerens J., Effective schooling, research, theory and practice, Cassell, UK: London 1992.
Scheerens J., Conceptual models and theory – embedded principles on effective schooling, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 1997, 8.
Scheerens J., Educational Effectiveness and Ineffectiveness: A Critical Review of the Knowledge Base, Springer, Dordrecht – Heidelberg – New York – London 2015.
Scheerens J., Bosker R.J., The foundations of educational effectiveness, Elsevier Science, UK: Oxford 1997.
Scheerens J., Creemers B.P., Conceptualizing school effectiveness, International Journal of Ed-ucational Research, 1989, 13(7).
Slee R., Weiner G., Tomlinson S., School effectiveness for whom? Challenges to the school effec-tiveness and school improvement, Falmer Press, London 1998.
Smink G., The Cardiff conference, ICSIE 1991, Network News International, 1991, 1(3).
Stringlield S.C., Attempting to enhance students’ learning through innovative programs: The case for school evolving into high reliability organizations, School Effectiveness and School Im-provement, 1995, 6.
Śliwerski B., Problemy współczesnej edukacji. Dekonstrukcja polityki oświatowej III RP, Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne, Warszawa 2009.
Śliwerski B., Autonomia szkół w Europie, Nowa Szkoła, 2000, 2(580).
Teddlie C., Reynolds D., International handbook of school effectiveness research, Falmer, London – New York 2000.
Thrupp M., Schools Making a Difference: Let’s Be Realistic!: School Mix, School Effectiveness, and the Social Limits of Reform, Open University Press, London 1999.
Townsend T., Clarke P., Ainscow M., Third Millennium Schools: prospects and problems for school effectiveness and school improvement, [w:] Third Millennium Schools: A World of Difference in Effectiveness and Improvement, red. T. Townsend, P. Clarke, M. Ainscow, Swets and Zeitlinger, The Netherlands: Lisse 1999.
Weiner G., Auditing failure: moral competence and school effectiveness, British Educational Re-search Journal, 2002, 28(6).
Wildy H., Dimmock C., Instructional leadership in Western Australian primary and secondary school, University of Western Australia, Nedlands 1992.