Relatively extensive changes are currently taking place in the system of preschool education in the Czech Republic, which will mainly affect the educational landscape of kindergartens. A personalityoriented model of preschool education requires a considerate, understanding and helping approach to each child. The joint education of all children, where inclusion occurs for certain children who were excluded from children’s communities in the past, is happening within the context of Czech and international legislation. Supporting measures are provided to children where required. However, such measures may ultimately also benefit the teacher.
Brugger W., Filosofický slovník, Naše vojsko, Praha1994.
Michalík J., Baslerová P., Felcmanová L., Podpůrná opatření ve vzdělávání, Člověk v tísni, o. p. s., Praha 2015.
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. Act No. 561/2004 Coll. on preschool, primary, secondary, higher vocational and other education (Education Act), http://www.msmt.cz/dokumenty-3/skolsky-zakon-ve-zneni-ucinnem-od-1-1-2017-do-31-8-2017, [available:18 January 2017].
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. Decree No. 27/2016 Coll., on the education of pupils with special educational needs and gifted pupils, http://www.msmt.cz/dokumenty-3/vyhlaska-c-27-2016-sb-o-vzdelavani-zaku-se-specialnimi, [available: 18 January 2017].
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. Decree No. 72/2005 Coll. concerning the provision of c counselling services at schools and school counselling establishments, https://www.zakonyprolidi.cz/cs/2005-72,[available: 18.01.2017].
Open Society Fund Praha. Do all children have equal educational opportunities? http://osf.cz/cs/co-delame/vzdelavani-deti-a-mladychlidi/?
utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&utm_content=otevrenaskola&utm_campaign=S_Podporte&gclid=CjwKEAiA7ejCBRDlp8uF6ezPnjoSJAAPED7MD-57vm56wy8v4W1YAL8zTSo0AbC-WrprylpFvmCo8BoCSq_w_wcB), [available: 18 January 2017].
Průcha J., Walterová E., Mareš J., Pedagogický slovník, Portál, Praha 2008.