This article attempts a preliminary analysis of physical and relational aggression in the context of gender. The study of literature on the subject shows that the relations between gender and the above types of aggression are complex and fitperfectly the debate between proponents of biological determinism and social constructivism. It is difficultto derive a conclusion from both the results of empirical research on this problem and theoretical considerations, which are often ideology-dependent.
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Gill J.K, The Impact of Social Acceptance and Close Friendships on Peer and Self Perceptions of Overt and Relational Aggression Among Adolescents, University of Victoria, 2010Gromkowska-Melosik A., Social Constructs of Girls’ Aggression. Selected Contexts and Contro-versies, Studia Edukacyjne, 2006, 39.
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Murray-Close D., Ostrov J.M., Nelson D.A. Crick N.R., Coccaro E.F., Proactive, reactive, and romantic relational aggression in adulthood: Measurement, predictive validity, gender differ-ences, and association with Intermittent Explosive Disorder, Journal of Psychiatric Research 2010, 44.
Page A., Smith L.F., Relational aggression and physical aggression among adolescent Cook Islands students, Issues in Educational Research, 2016, 26(1).
Pellegrini A.D., Long J.D., A longitudinal study of bullying, dominance, and victimization during the transition from primary school through secondary school, British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 2002, 20.
Rohlf H., Krahé B., Busching R., The socializing effect of classroom aggression on the development of aggression and social rejection: A two-wave multilevel analysis, Journal of School Psychology, 2015, 58.
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Stockdale L., Tackett S., Coyne S.M., Sex differences in verbal aggression use in romantic relationships: a meta analytic study and review, Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 2016, 5(3).
Swit C.A., McMaugh A., Warburton W.A., Teacher and Parent Perceptions of Relational and Physical Aggression During Early Childhood, The Journal of Child and Family Studies, 2018, 27.
Archer J., Coyne S.M., An integrated review of indirect, relational, and social aggression, Person-ality and Social Psychology Review, 2005, 9(3).
Banny A.M., Heilbron N., Ames A., Prinstein M.J., Relational Benefits of Relational Aggres-sion: Adaptive and Maladaptive Associations with Adolescent Friendship Quality, Developmental Psychology, 2011, 47(4).
Basow S.A., Cahill K.F., Phelan J.E., Longshore K., McGillicuddy-DeLisi A., Perceptions of relational and physical aggression among college students: Effects of gender of perpetrator, target, and perceiver, Psychology of Women Quarterly, 2007 31(1).
Björkqvist K., Sex differences in physical, verbal, and indirect aggression. A review of recent research, SexRoles, 1994, 30.
Crick N.R., Grotpeter J.K., Relational aggression, gender, and social-psychological adjustment, Child Development, 1995, 66.
Dijkstra, Berger, Linderberg, Do Physical and Relational...., https://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~-snijders/siena/DijkstraBergerLindenberg2011.pdf s. 6.
Dodge M., Where are all the women in white-collar crime? [in:] Routledge International Handbo-ok of Crime and Gender Studies, Eds. C.M. Renzetti, S.L. Miller, A.R. Gover, Routledge, New York 2013.
Dodge K.A., Coie J.D, Lynam D., Damon W., Handbook of Child Psychology, [in:] Social, emotional, and personality development, 6th ed., Ed. N. Eisenberg, Wiley, New York 2006.
Elsaesser C., Gorman-Smith D., Henry D., The Role of the School Environment in Relational Aggression and Victimization, Journal of Youth Adolescence, 2013, 42.
Gill J.K, The Impact of Social Acceptance and Close Friendships on Peer and Self Perceptions of Overt and Relational Aggression Among Adolescents, University of Victoria, 2010Gromkowska-Melosik A., Social Constructs of Girls’ Aggression. Selected Contexts and Contro-versies, Studia Edukacyjne, 2006, 39.
Islam M.J., Banarjee S., Khatun N., Theories of Female Criminality: A criminological analysis, International Journal of Criminology and Sociological Theory, 2014, 7, 1.
McEvoy M., Estrem T., Rodriguez M., Olson M., Assessing relational and physical aggression among preschool children: Intermethod agreement, Topics in Early Childhood Special Ed-ucation, 2003, 23.
Merrell K.W., Buchanan R., Tran O.K., Relational aggression in children and adolescents: A re-view with implications for school settings, Psychology in the Schools, 2006, 42.
Millet K., Teoria polityki płciowej, [in:] Nikt nie rodzi się kobietą, red. T. Hołówka, Warszawa 1982.
Murray-Close D., Ostrov J.M., Nelson D.A. Crick N.R., Coccaro E.F., Proactive, reactive, and romantic relational aggression in adulthood: Measurement, predictive validity, gender differ-ences, and association with Intermittent Explosive Disorder, Journal of Psychiatric Research 2010, 44.
Page A., Smith L.F., Relational aggression and physical aggression among adolescent Cook Islands students, Issues in Educational Research, 2016, 26(1).
Pellegrini A.D., Long J.D., A longitudinal study of bullying, dominance, and victimization during the transition from primary school through secondary school, British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 2002, 20.
Rohlf H., Krahé B., Busching R., The socializing effect of classroom aggression on the development of aggression and social rejection: A two-wave multilevel analysis, Journal of School Psychology, 2015, 58.
Russell B., Kraus S.W., Ceccherini T., Student Perceptions of Aggressive Behaviors and Predic-tive Patterns of Perpetration and Victimization: The Role of Age and Sex, Journal of School Violence, 2010, 9(3).
Stockdale L., Tackett S., Coyne S.M., Sex differences in verbal aggression use in romantic relationships: a meta analytic study and review, Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 2016, 5(3).
Swit C.A., McMaugh A., Warburton W.A., Teacher and Parent Perceptions of Relational and Physical Aggression During Early Childhood, The Journal of Child and Family Studies, 2018, 27.