Ayn Rand and Allan Bloom’s Critique of Contemporary Universities
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crisis of culture

How to Cite

Drelich , S. (2020). Ayn Rand and Allan Bloom’s Critique of Contemporary Universities. Studia Edukacyjne, (57), 209–225. https://doi.org/10.14746/se.2020.57.15


Ayn Rand and Allan Bloom are among the most well-known American critics of the contemporary universities. They both point out that the crisis of modern university is a reflection of a much broader crisis of contemporary culture. The purpose of this text is to present the arguments of both thinkers, which confirm the diagnosis of the university crisis. In Rand and Bloom’s work we can find the characteristics of a number of symptoms of this crisis. The most important are: 1) the political and ideological entanglement of the university environment; 2) all-encompassing skepticism; 3) the lack of a coherent vision of reality; 4) irrationality and departure from reason; 5) the postulate of neutrality and the avoidance of moral judgments; 6) retreat from philosophy and humanistic education.

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