„Still Offline”: Evidence from Qualitative Studies on the Hybridization of Spontaneous Cognitive Activity
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martial arts
spread of technology

How to Cite

Cichocki , S., Czysz , . R., Przybyła , . T., & Klichowski , M. . (2020). „Still Offline”: Evidence from Qualitative Studies on the Hybridization of Spontaneous Cognitive Activity. Studia Edukacyjne, (41), 117–129. https://doi.org/10.14746/se.2016.41.8


Background: In the contemporary culture we observed a kind of apology for the hybridization of cognitive activity. Nevertheless, we don’t know is it a real phenomenon or only a facade. To shed some new light on this issue, we investigated two qualitative studies on the hybridization of spontaneous cognitive activity.
Methods: Three martial arts masters and four triathletes took part in these studies. A structured interview was used to collect data.
Results: We found that professional and experienced athletes do not recognize a big potential for hybridization. They can’t imagine a strong hybridization of own, and their students, spontaneous cognitive activity, both in the current and the future technological reality.
Conclusions: This study contradicts the idea of the superiority (in the cognitive contexts) of what online, over what offline.

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