The Significanceof the Attachment Relation in the Human Life Cycle. Analysis of Selected Aspects of Close Relations
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attachment styles
secure attachment style
dismissive-avoidant attachment style
anxious-preoccupied attachment style
fearful-avoidant attachment style
developmental tasks
close relations

How to Cite

Matysiak-Błaszczyk , A., & Jankowiak, . B. (2020). The Significanceof the Attachment Relation in the Human Life Cycle. Analysis of Selected Aspects of Close Relations. Studia Edukacyjne, (44), 195–208.


The article analyzes the significanceof attachment relations for the ability to enter into close relations in the human life cycle. The secure attachment style which develops on the basis of the primordial relation between mother (or a guardian) and the child in the firststages of life is the cornerstone of future intimate relations and a resource which facilitates successful dealing with developmental tasks in interpersonal dependency relations. During the childhood, it contributes to the development of the relation of trust and dependence, during the adolescence to the growth of new extra-family relations and in adulthood to the co-creation with the partner of an intimate love relationship.
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