A Proposed Tool for Measuring the Intensity of Sensing a Stereotype Threat Among Children, Based on Jenessa Shapiro’s and Steven Neuberg’s Concept of Multi-Threats
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sense of stereotype threat
average school age
scale for measurement

How to Cite

Borsich, S. ., & Deptuła, M. . (2018). A Proposed Tool for Measuring the Intensity of Sensing a Stereotype Threat Among Children, Based on Jenessa Shapiro’s and Steven Neuberg’s Concept of Multi-Threats. Studia Edukacyjne, (49), 185–213. https://doi.org/10.14746/se.2018.49.12


Scientificmagazines have published hundreds of research papers on stereotype threat. They indicated that despite their intellectual potential some individuals may experience lower performance in school tasks because of the fear of confirminga stereotype about the low abilities of their social group. Most of the research was of an experimental nature, with the use of a single manipulation within the experiment group and comparing its results to those of the control group. Additionally, despite two decades of research, discrepancies in how the term is definedor in the manipulation and measurement methods persist. The article outlines the development of a tool for measuring the intensity of a sense of low abilities stereotype threat among elementary school pupils (grades IV-VI) and the results of a pilot study. The scale was developed based on the theoretical assumptions of Shapiro’s and Neuberg’s multi-threat concept, which appears to put in order the aforementioned discrepancies in understanding the phenomenon’s essence and the ways it is measured.

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Badania wykonano w ramach projektu „Niebieskoocy” w naszej szkole – przezwyciężanie stereotypów drogą do tworzenia uczniom lepszych warunków rozwoju w klasie szkolnej, dofinansowanego ze środków przyznanych autorom projektu prof. dr hab. Marii Deptule oraz mgr Szymonowi Borsichowi w trybie konkursowym przez Państwową Agencję Rozwiązywania Problemów Alkoholowych w ramach Narodowego Programu Zdrowia na lata 2016-2020 (umowa z Uniwersytetem Kazimierza Wielkiego Nr 6/53/3.4.3/17/DEA). Program badań uzyskał pozytywną opinię Komisji ds. Etyki Badań Naukowych w Instytucie Pedagogiki na Wydziale Pedagogiki i Psychologii UKW.


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