Remote Learning from a Perspective of Students and Teachers. The Application of the Virtual Model in Remote Learning in Older Grades in Cogito Primary School in Poznań
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distant education
virtual model
primary education
Célestin Freinet’s pedagogy

How to Cite

Abramowicz, D., Banasiak, Żaneta, Kędra, M., Hoffman, P., & Pilna, D. (2021). Remote Learning from a Perspective of Students and Teachers. The Application of the Virtual Model in Remote Learning in Older Grades in Cogito Primary School in Poznań. Studia Edukacyjne, (62), 87–102.


Remote education is not a new issue discussed in the literature, but in the face of the restrictions introduced by the COVID-19 pandemic, this type of education has developed dynamically. In the conditions of technological progress, it seems that particularly interesting in remote education is the virtual model, applied in March-June 2020 at the level of primary education at the Cogito Public Primary School in Poznań. In order to identify and evaluate remote education in the virtual model from the perspective of students and teachers, surveys with the use of an on-line questionnaire were carried out.
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