Designing Teaching Aids: the Transformative Value of the Process. Teachers’ Narratives of their Own Learning During Onsite and Remote Prototyping Summer Schools
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transformative learning
adults learning
summer schools/workshops for adults
science centers
distance education

How to Cite

Iłowiecka-Tańska, I., Gop, A., & Jaskulska, S. (2021). Designing Teaching Aids: the Transformative Value of the Process. Teachers’ Narratives of their Own Learning During Onsite and Remote Prototyping Summer Schools. Studia Edukacyjne, (62), 169–186.


The article discusses the transformative value of the process of prototyping teaching aids during a fiveday workshop for teachers. Based on sequential narrative data collected by using the diaries method, we analyze changes in individual aspects of learning in a group of teachers, the dynamics of these changes, and differences resulting from the form of classes (in-person vs online). At the end of the article, we present practical conclusions that can be implemented in educational projects dedicated to teachers.
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