Polskie centra kulturalne i naukowe w wieku XVIII: Warszawa, Kraków i… Lipsk
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Christian Wolff
Johann Christoph Gottsched
Załuski Library
University of Leipzig
cultural transfer between German and Poland

How to Cite

Grzesiuk, E. (2010). Polskie centra kulturalne i naukowe w wieku XVIII: Warszawa, Kraków i… Lipsk. Gniezno European Studies, (1-2), 311–326. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/seg/article/view/2883


The Saxon times, which set off the apogee of Sarmatism, are habitually seen as a pe-riod of decline culture in Poland. Going against such views, the author demonstrates that already in the middle 18th century Poland there were cultural centres and projects of educational reform. A particular role in the process fell to people-institutions, such as brothers Stanisław and Józef Załuski.

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