Romanization is one of the most cultural phenomena of the Roman world, whose distant echoes are palpable even today. It should be construed as a consolidation of the image of the Roman state throughout its territory, while taking local cultural components into account. It was not directed and controlled from above; on the contrary, it should be approached as a grassroots process, by and large a spontaneous one. It was not straightforward and direct either, as Roman culture was disseminated and consolidated via a secondary, or „second-hand” impact.
Die Arbeit wurde im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes des Nationalen Wissenschaftlichen Zentrums (Narodowe Centrum Nauki / National Science Centre, Poland) verfasst (Nr. 2015/19/B/HS3/00547) und trägt den Titel: „Die Romanisierung urbanisierter Gebiete in den Rhein-Donau-Provinzen des Römischen Kaiserreiches (1.-3. Jh. u.Z.)”.
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