Romanisierung als Integrationsfaktor des Imperium Romanum
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Imperium Romanun
cultural changes
cultural revolution

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Mrozewicz, L. (2017). Romanisierung als Integrationsfaktor des Imperium Romanum. Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, 16(16), 281–293.


Romanization is one of the most cultural phenomena of the Roman world, whose distant echoes are palpable even today. It should be construed as a consolidation of the image of the Roman state throughout its territory, while taking local cultural components into account. It was not directed and controlled from above; on the contrary, it should be approached as a grassroots process, by and large a spontaneous one. It was not straightforward and direct either, as Roman culture was disseminated and consolidated via a secondary, or „second-hand” impact.
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Die Arbeit wurde im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes des Nationalen Wissenschaftlichen Zentrums (Narodowe Centrum Nauki / National Science Centre, Poland) verfasst (Nr. 2015/19/B/HS3/00547) und trägt den Titel: „Die Romanisierung urbanisierter Gebiete in den Rhein-Donau-Provinzen des Römischen Kaiserreiches (1.-3. Jh. u.Z.)”.

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