Ceny niewolników w „Historia Lausiaca” autorstwa Palladiusza z Helenopolis
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Parole chiave

late antiquity
late Roman and early Byzantine economy
slave trade
early Byzantine hagiography

Come citare

Milewski, I. (2018). Ceny niewolników w „Historia Lausiaca” autorstwa Palladiusza z Helenopolis. Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, (18), 9–26. https://doi.org/10.14746/seg.2018.18.1


The paper draws on the accounts by Palladius, bishop of Bithynian Helenopolis, to gather insights into slave prices. The figures contained in the source vary to a great extent (from 3 to 20 solidii for a slave). The author verifies the information against other late antique and early Byzantine accounts regarding slave prices.


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