The History of Joint-Stock Companies in the Second Polish Republic as Exemplified by Wspólnota Interesów Górniczo–Hutniczych SA (Mining and Metallurgy Community of Interests Joint Stock Company)


Second Polish Republic
, mining and metallurgical industry
foreign capital
Wspólnota Interesów Górniczo–Hutniczych SA.

How to Cite

Majewski, M. W. . (2019). The History of Joint-Stock Companies in the Second Polish Republic as Exemplified by Wspólnota Interesów Górniczo–Hutniczych SA (Mining and Metallurgy Community of Interests Joint Stock Company). Studia Historiae Oeconomicae, 36, 43–69.

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The article focuses on problems related to capital in Katowicka Spółka Akcyjna dla Górnictwa i Hutnictwa SA (Katowice Mining and Metallurgy Joint Stock Company) and Górnośląskie Zjednoczone Huty “Królewska” i “Laura” (Upper Silesian United Metallurgical Plants “Królewska” and “Laura”) in the years 1918–1939. The article examines particular issues of the Upper Silesian industry after the Great War, namely: concentration of foreign capital in the mining and metallurgical industries; great mining and metallurgical enterprises in the periods of both industrial prosperity and crisis; attempts to limit the influence of foreign capital following the introduction of judicial supervision over Katowicka Spółka Akcyjna dla Górnictwa i Hutnictwa SA and Górnośląskie Zjednoczone Huty “Królewska” i “Laura” SA; the emergence of Wspólnota Interesów Górniczo– Hutniczych SA (Mining and Metallurgy Community of Interests Joint Stock Company) in the final years of the Second Polish Republic.


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Archiwum Akt Nowych (later referred to as AAN), Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (later referred to as BGK), sign. 766 (no page no.).

--AAN, files of Wiktor Przedpełski, sign. 32/45 (no page no.).

--AAN, Polish Embassy in Washington, sign. 576, (no page no.).

--AAN, the Ministry of Treasury, sign. 4 (no page no.).

--AAN, the executive commission of the Council of Ministers, the Economic Committee of Ministers, sign. 1257.

National Archive in Warsaw, District Court in Warsaw, Section 2 (Trade), Trade register, section B, item LXXI, 10288;

National Archive in Katowice (later referred to as APKat), Silesian Regional Office, Industry and Trade Department (later referred to as “UWŚl WP–H”), sign. 202, c. 1–4.

--APKat, UWŚl WP–H, sign. 221, c. 8–30.

--APKat, UWŚl WP–H, sign. 222, c. 3–4.

--APKat, UWŚl WP–H, sign. 223, c. 16–46.

--APKat, UWŚl WP–H, sign. 232, k. 1–9, 25–29, 63–65, 67, 68, 69–70, 122–123,134, 210–215, 233, 297

--APKat, UWŚl WP–H, sign. 441, c. 139–140.

--APKat, UWŚl WP–H, sign. 1061a, c. 199, 204.

--APKat, UWŚl WP–H, sign. 1345, c. 12, 21, 36, 45, 104.

--APKat, UWŚl WP–H, sign. 1347, c. 37–38

--APKat, UWŚl WP–H, sign. 1348, c. 6–7, 63

--APKat, UWŚl WP–H, sign. 1354, c. 1–2.

--APKat, UWŚl WP–H, sign. 1355, c. 12–14, 39, 70–72, 175, 181, 186, 197, 226.

--APKat, UWŚl WP–H, sign. 1357, c. 55–64, 104–109, 113–127.

--APKat, UWŚl WP–H, sign. 1655, c. 4–5.

--APKat, UWŚl WP–H, sign. 2438a, c. 2–3.

--APKat, UWŚl WP–H, sign. 3132a (no page no.)

--APKat, UWŚl WP–H, sign. 3254, c. 9, 38.

--APKat, UWŚl WP–H, Wspólnota Interesów Górniczo – Hutniczych (WIGH — Mining and Metallurgy Community of Interests ), sign. 6 (no page no.).

--APKat, WIGH, sign. 216, c. 3–7.

--APKat, WIGH, sign. 3680, c. 1–5.

--APKat, Trade register, sign. B 1804/Kat., c. 24–27, 49–50.

--APKat, Trade register, sign. 1687, vol. I,c. 18, 97–98, 237, 241–247,

--APKat, UWŚl, Executive Committee department, sign. 202, c. 7–10.

--APKat, UWŚl, Executive Committee department, sign. 232, c. 225–226.

--APKat, UWŚl, Executive Committee department, sign. 280, c. 30.

--APKat, UWŚl, Executive Committee department, sign. 1061a, c. 2, 9, 24, 25–78, 49, 284–285.

--APKat, UWŚl, Executive Committee department, sign. 1348, c. 31, 37, 53–54, 56–57.

--APKat, UWŚl, Executive Committee department, sign. 1352, c. 57–59, 61, 62–63, 64–74.

--APKat, UWŚl, Executive Committee department, sign. 1355, c. 179, 180, 208–211.

--APKat, UWŚl, Executive Committee department, sign. 1442, c. 1–7.

Centralnyj Derżawnyj Istorycznyj Archiv u misti Lvovi, fond 532, description 1, vol. 213, c. 78.

Military Historical Bureau, secretariat of the Defense of Poland Committee, sign. I.303.13.138.