The article refers to the economic consequences of the post-war division of Europe into the capitalist West and communist East. One of the consequences of this division was the creation of peculiar crime phenomenon on the eastern side of the “iron curtain”, which consist on exploit the prices and goods availability differences between wealthy West and backward East of Europe. This being the case of illegal movement of goods, begun from the 1940s, between those two worlds. In article you can find the outline of characteristic for the whole Polish “People’s” Republic period smuggling conducts. The key subject of following text is first of all the problem of car smuggling in the 1980s, which wasn’t researched by polish historians before. In this interesting for us times in Western Europe (West Germany, Austria, France) and in Scandinavia at least few groups of organized crime were active in a areas of car stealing and smuggling a luxury goods into Poland. The essence of following article are the presentation of these groups, their bosses, criminal practices and techniques and indication of the cooperation between polish car smugglers and western countries citizens. Sources for this text are based first of all on operational and investigation records of former Security Service collected in archives of the Institute of National Remembrance.
The Archive of the Institute of National Remembrance in Gdańsk (AIPN Gdańsk) – Regional Domestic Affairs Office Gdańsk (WUSW Gdańsk).
AIPN Gdańsk – Regional Citizens’ Militia Headquarters (KW MO Gdańsk).
AIPN Gdańsk – EAGD.
AIPN Gdańsk – Regional Court in Gdańsk (SW Gdańsk).
AIPN BU – Capital Domestic Affairs Office (SUSW).
AIPN Gdańsk – WUSW Gdańsk, sign. 0087/34, vol. 17.
AIPN Gdańsk – KW MO Gdańsk, sign. 0046/258, Report on the “Mak” operation, May 30, 1972, f. 98; Report, July 11, 1972, f. 108.
AIPN Gdańsk – WUSW Gdańsk, sign. 0046/689, vol. 1, Request of IOF to terminate the “Gruda” operation – January 31, 1990, f. 40.
AIPN Gdańsk – WUSW Gdańsk, sign. 0046/689, vol. 2, Findings of the investigation on a criminal group operating in Gdańsk and Warsaw, September 29, 1984, f. 68.
AIPN Gdańsk – WUSW Gdańsk, sign. 0046/689, vol. 3, Report from interrogation of Henryk Konkol, March 26, 1983, f. 37. AIPN Gdańsk – WUSW Gdańsk, sign. 0046/689, vol. 1, Information from the Head of WUSW Department III in Gdańsk, February 21, 1985, f. 201.
AIPN Gdańsk – WUSW Gdańsk, sign. 0046/689, vol. 2, Findings of the investigation on a criminal group operating in Gdańsk and Warsaw, September 29, 1984, f. 112.
AIPN Gdańsk – WUSW Gdańsk, sign. 0046/689, Information from the Head of WUSW Department III in Gdańsk, February 21, 1985, f. 201.
AIPN Gdańsk – EAGD, sign. 114475, Prohibition to leave the country, April 1985, f. 133.
AIPN Gdańsk – WUSW Gdańsk, sign. 0046/689, vol. 1, Request of IOF to terminate the “Gruda” operation – January 31, 1990, f. 39.
AIPN Gdańsk – SW Gdańsk, sign. 98/1, vol. 1, The decision to launch the investigation, October 24, 1985, f. 56.
AIPN Gdańsk – WUSW Gdańsk, sign. 0046/689, vol. 1, Request of IOF to terminate the “Gruda” operation – January 31, 1990, f. 39.
AIPN Gdańsk – WUSW Gdańsk, sign. 0046/689, vol. 1, The request of IOF to terminate the “Gruda” operation – January 31, 1990, f. 40; ibidem, f. 41.
AIPN Gdańsk – SW Gdańsk, sign. 98/1, vol. 1, A questionnaire of Customs Office in Szczecin, January 2, 1986, f. 297 et seq.
AIPN Gdańsk – SW Gdańsk, 98/1, vol. 1, The decision to press charges against Marek Biernat, December 14, 1985, f. 235.
AIPN BU – SUSW, sign. 01205/226, vol. 1, An annex to the general plan of operational and investigative activities in the case of purchasing stolen cars in Western Europe and importing them to Poland, April 7, 1989, f. 90.
AIPN BU – SUSW, sign. 01205/226, vol. 2, A letter from the Austrian criminal court in Vienna to the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw [1989], ff. 16, 17.
AIPN BU – SUSW, sign. 01205/226, vol. 2, ff. 18, 19.
AIPN BU – SUSW, sign. 01205/226, vol. 1, An annex to the general plan of operational and investigative activities in the case of purchasing stolen cars in Western Europe and importing them to Poland, April 7, 1989, f. 90.
AIPN BU – SUSW, sign. 01205/226, vol. 2, A memo of a senior superintendent of the WUSW Criminal Department in Kraków Lt. M. Kłosowski, June 27, 1989, ff. 177, 178; ibidem, vol. 3, A notification sent from SUSW to Department I of the Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Domestic Affairs, November 13, 1989, f. 335.
AIPN BU – SUSW, sign. 01205/226, vol. 49, A memo of superintendent Leszek Lewiński, November 3, 1988, ff. 57, 58.
AIPN BU – Ministry of Domestic Affairs, sign. 01549/5, vol. 3, A memo, July 26, 1988, f. 39; ibidem, A report from the stay in WUSW in Bydgoszcz, August 12, 1988, f. 67.
AIPN BU – MSW, sign. 01549/5, vol. 3, A report from the stay in WUSW in Bydgoszcz, August 12, 1988, f. 68.
AIPN BU – SUSW, sign. 01205/226, vol. 1, Rules (sent by Prosecutor’s General Office – KN) for launching preparatory proceedings in cases concerning imports of stolen or appropriated cars to Poland and for using these as evidence, December 23, 1988, f. 207.
AIPN BU – SUSW, sign. 01205/226, vol. 1, Rules (sent by Prosecutor’s General Office – KN) for launching preparatory proceedings in cases concerning imports of stolen or appropriated cars to Poland and for using these as evidence, December 23, 1988, f. 204.
AIPN BU – SUSW, sign. 01205/226, vol. 1, Rules (sent by Prosecutor’s General Office – KN) for launching preparatory proceedings in cases concerning imports of stolen or appropriated cars to Poland and for using these as evidence, December 23, 1988, f. 205.
AIPN BU – SUSW, sign. 01205/226, vol. 1, A memo of Citizens’ Militia Main Headquarters, Department II, Investigation Bureau specialist, Lt Col. A. Pontus, January 10, 1989, f. 209.
AIPN BU – SUSW, sign. 01205/226, vol. 1, A letter from Citizens’ Militia Main Headquarters to the deputy head of SUSW on Militia, February 3, 1989, f. 127.
AIPN Gdańsk – WUSW Gdańsk, 0046/689, vol. 2, Findings from investigation concerning a criminal group operating in Warsaw and Gdańsk, November 29, 1984, f. 112.
AIPN BU – SUSW, sign. 01205/226, vol. 1, The general plan of operational and investigative activities in the case of purchasing stolen cars in Western Europe and importing them to Poland, August 16, 1988, ff. 79–85.
AIPN BU – SUSW, sign. 01205/226, vol. 1, An annex to the general plan of operational and investigative activities in the case of purchasing stolen cars in Western Europe and importing them to Poland, April 7, 1989, f. 88.
AIPN BU – SUSW, sign. 01205/226, vol. 1, ff 146, A notification on launching proceedings sent from SUSW to the Inspection Division of the Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Domestic Affairs, May 31, 1989, f. 146.
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