The purpose of this article is to provide a theoretical framework for the contemporary process of political communication. It emphasizes the changing roles of the senders/receivers within the process and it postulates unprecedented opportunities offered by the emergence of the New Media. As for the empirical research, we discuss the results of the study that has been conducted to further the understanding of how the younger generation, aged 20-25 (herein referred to as Digital Natives), process and comprehend the news media content, with special attention to political messages. It was initially hypothesized that the main source of information about politics and the surrounding world is the Internet and the social media in particular. The paper discusses the results of the study showing that the alternative news websites and social media, understood as the opposite to what is known as the mainstream media, have been gaining ground. Concurrently, the study discovered the students’ declining interest in traditional institutional mainstream-controlled media (i.e. press, radio or television).References
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