The implications and purpose of using international phonetic symbols and English advertising slogans in advertisements in Poland
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phonetic transcription
English in advertising
phonetics and phonology linguistics

How to Cite

Dziczek-Karlikowska, H. (2019). The implications and purpose of using international phonetic symbols and English advertising slogans in advertisements in Poland. Scripta Neophilologica Posnaniensia, (18), 151–163.


This paper examines the various implications resulting from the use of English phonetic transcription in advertising in Poland. I focus on the problem of the use of phonetic transcription by copywriters as a graphic form and I make an attempt at showing that this technique can have pedagogical consequences, because a graphic form in which phonetic symbols are used is, in fact, a text message, not an image only. In addition, I analyze selected advertisements as a means of communication addressed to a specific recipient. In this case, I demonstrate that the use of advertising slogans in English and English phonetic transcription in Poland, does not guarantee that such advertising is effective.
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