Tryb rozkazujący w służbie ‘wszechpolityki’, czyli o Powszechnym Prawie Istnienia i Gematonie Behawioralnym Człowieka: krótkie studium rozpoznawcze
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imperative mood, biology
biological imperative mood
linguistic imperative mood
human behavioural gematon

How to Cite

Puppel, S. (2023). Tryb rozkazujący w służbie ‘wszechpolityki’, czyli o Powszechnym Prawie Istnienia i Gematonie Behawioralnym Człowieka: krótkie studium rozpoznawcze. Scripta Neophilologica Posnaniensia, 23, 69–76.


The imperative mood has not been a protagonist of too many linguistic investigations, while its significance in everyday communication is unquestionable. It is argued here that the imperative mood has two extensions, the natural biological manifestation: the ‘biological imperative mood’, and the linguistic extension: the ‘linguistic imperative mood’. Both extensions collaborate jointly in the expression of the ‘Human Behavioural Gematon’. The latter is responsible for the entirety of the following operations: sensing, acting, doing, performing, expressing, communicating, and enduring, all within the confines of the ‘human condition’ (conditio humana). The argumentation contained therein concentrates on the transition form the biological cell (nature, biology) to culture as the final result of the synergic co-existence of the two extensions of the imperative mood in the human world.
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