From transformation to integration: selected remarks concerning the direct’ participation of citizens in the process of political decision-making after 1989 on the example of the Visegrad Group states
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How to Cite

Musiał-Karg, M., & Lesiewicz, E. (2014). From transformation to integration: selected remarks concerning the direct’ participation of citizens in the process of political decision-making after 1989 on the example of the Visegrad Group states. Central European Political Studies, (4), 167–184.


The subject of this paper concerns selected experiences of citizens from the Visegrad Group countries (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) participating in the process of ‘direct’ (that is, exercised by means of the tools of direct democracy) decision making as regards the most important matters, ranging from those related to the process of political transformation to the decision on accession to the European Union. The present considerations dwell on the experiences of Central and East European countries.
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