Distributions of large urban centers in the countries of the Baltic-Black Sea continental bridge
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demography of settlements
Baltic-Black Sea continental bridge
Zipf’s rule
Lorentz concentration curve

How to Cite

Żółtowska, J. E. (2018). Distributions of large urban centers in the countries of the Baltic-Black Sea continental bridge. Central European Political Studies, (1), 23–42. https://doi.org/10.14746/ssp.2018.1.2


The purpose of this study was to compare the distributions of large urban centers in twelve countries: Belarus, Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Ukraine. In order to analyze the research problem identified, two study methods were applied: Zipf’s rank-frequency rule and an analysis of the degree of concentration using the Lorentz curve. Firstly, the pape presents the issues related to the demographic development of the capital cities in the selected countries considered at five moments in time (1900, 1930, 1960, 2000, and around 2015). Then, based on the methodology adopted, a quantified assessment of the role of the biggest city was carried out and presented, along with the relations in magnitude existing between this city and the remaining settlement units analyzed.Countries were divided into those characterized by monocentric and polycentric patterns. The ultimate results of the statistical analysis demonstrated the usefulness of the methodology applied in the study of the distribution and magnitudes of various kindsof settlement units on an arbitrarily defined territory.
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Statystyczne materiały źródłowe:

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