The subject of this paper is an analysis of the electricity market in Poland. The period of 2008–2015 came under close scrutiny, whereby emphasis was laid on the trends in electricity generation and demand, while taking into account the country’s economic development. In addition, the text mentions the forecasted demand for electricity in 2030, and electricity prices. As regards electricity prices, both qualitative and quantitative forecasts have been presented. In the latter case, the results of the author’s own forecast have been presented; these were obtained with the aid of selected methods applied for the analysis of the dynamics of economic phenomena (the exponential and linear trend models). In order to make the research problem more specific, the text addresses the following research questions: (1) Is it possible to point out any special characteristics of the structure and operation of the electricity market in Poland? (2) Is it possible to point out a characteristic trend in the changes in demand for electricity in Poland? (3) Is it possible to point out a characteristic trend inthe changes in electricity prices in Poland?References
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