Time in a democratic parliamentary system. The case of Polish Sejm between 1989–2015
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system polityczny
Sejm RP
transformacja systemowa

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Kasianiuk, K. (2018). Time in a democratic parliamentary system. The case of Polish Sejm between 1989–2015. Central European Political Studies, (1), 185–206. https://doi.org/10.14746/ssp.2018.1.10


Regardless of the theoretical perspective, the aspect of time is recorded in every study regarding the evolution of political systems. It is of particular importance in the analysis of systems transforming from authoritarian to democratic regimes. This applies to many parliamentary systems, i.e. based primarily on mechanisms of periodic elections to representative bodies. Relatively little attention is paid to the topic of time in Polish political science literature. The aim of the article is to present the results of research on the use of time in the Polish Sejm in 1989–2015, i.e. in the term of office X–VII. Time was analyzed in the physical and organizational sense. On the basis of official data from the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, the dynamics of the use of time was examined by analyzing the number of meeting days and the length of Sejm sessions. The research results indicatethat the characteristic feature of the analyzed period is the changing dynamics of time use in Sejm. In this regard, the fourth (IV) and the fifth term (V) of Sejm seem to be the most important.
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