The Energy Policy of Poland up to 2050 - a Critical Analysis
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Polish energy policy
Polish Energy Law
Polish energy sector

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Rosicki, R. (2019). The Energy Policy of Poland up to 2050 - a Critical Analysis. Central European Political Studies, (1), 51–62.


The text presents an analysis of the Polish energy policy, which takes into account its both aspects: the institutional and normative aspect (policy), and the context of political activities involved (politics). As the text analyses the planning documents preparedby the Minister of Economy (the so-called “State’s energy policy”), the starting point for this analysis are the legal issues ensuing from the Energy Law Act. The text outlines the major assumptions of the Energy Policy till 2030 as well as the general provisions of the incomplete, as of the year 2015, Project of the Energy Policy till 2050. The institutional and normative context has been supplemented with an analysis of selected issues significant for the directions in the development of the energy policy and the energy security in Poland. Moreover, the text addresses the following questions: (1) to what extent does the legal status of the document “the State’s energy policy” contribute to the poor achievement of the strategic goals in the energy sector?, (2) to what extent does the lack of actual responsibility of the political subjects contribute to the lack of the realisation of strategic goals put forward in the “State’s energy policy”?, (3) what actions should be undertaken in order to administer a cohesive and effective energy policy in Poland?
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