The author examines the nexus between international law and the concept of human security that emerged in the 1990s. The article proceeds in three parts. Part one outlines the concept of human security, its genesis and contents. Part two examines the nexus between human security and international law and briefly considers the most representative aspects of international law, including international jurisprudence, that, in the author’s opinion, reflect human security imperatives. Finally, conclusions provide answers to the questions posed and indicate the increased value of the human security concept. The questions read as follows: How can human security strengthen international actions (actions based on international law)? Where in international law is human security reflected? In other words, what aspects of international law reflect a human security-centered approach? What is the role of international law in human security? Taking all this into account, what is the added value of adopting the concept of human security? This article is inevitably interdisciplinary, as it combines the perspectives of international law and international relations.
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