Polish nationalism in the German eyes of the thirties
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Polish nationalism
Third Reich
National Socialism

How to Cite

Stachowiak, P. (2016). Polish nationalism in the German eyes of the thirties. Central European Political Studies, (4), 159–172. https://doi.org/10.14746/ssp.2016.4.10


German interest in Polish nationalism was negligible in the nineteen thirties. Only the magazines and publications dealing with Eastern European issues devoted more time and space to Polish nationalism. They practically ignored the NSDAP sources. The issue of relations between Polish nationalism on the one hand and fascism and national socialism on the other has become the topic of academic research. So far,Germany at that time has never been analyzed in this context. A question worth considering is whether German journalism and academic publications were interested in the development of Polish nationalism. How did the proponents of the Nazi movement perceive their Polish ideological counterparts? What was the attitude of non-Nazi journalists and scholars? The aim of this paper is to try to complement the studies in the history of mutual relations of Polish and German nationalism.
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