Quality of governance, bureaucratic efficiency and cohesion policy in the context of socio-cultural factors of the nations and regions of Central and Eastern Europe
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cohesion policy
bureaucratic efficiency
quality of governance
social capital
cultural import
European funds

How to Cite

Hryniewicz, J. T. (2019). Quality of governance, bureaucratic efficiency and cohesion policy in the context of socio-cultural factors of the nations and regions of Central and Eastern Europe. Central European Political Studies, (3), 5–28. https://doi.org/10.14746/ssp.2019.3.1


The topic of research was a hypothesis concerning the impact of cohesion policy on the quality of governance and bureaucratic efficiency in the context of socio-cultural conditions. The units of observation were the nations and regions of Central and Eastern Europe. The cultural factors were described in terms of the historical evolution of the correlates of social capital. Calculations were performed using international databases for nations and regions. Quality of governance was measured using: QoG (Quality of Governance) and the regional quality of governance indicator: EQI (European Quality Index). Quality of governance measured by QoG is a function of social capital and the financial resources of public administrations. In Poland, the modification of the separation of powers that began in 2015 has not yet affected governance indicators. However, in Hungary, the change in government and subsequent decline in the quality of government was preceded by a deep crisis of civil society. Cohesion policy was treated as a distinct case of a cultural import. Regional studies based on EQI have shown that cohesion policy funds have led to improved functioning of public administration bodies, but did not result in a better EQI rating. The significance of changes in socio-cultural factors on improved bureaucratic efficiency is uncertain. Changes in external factors (social capital) promote improved functioning of public administrations in Central and Eastern European countries. However, the style of leadership may present a clear barrier to these influences. This cultural import has not brought about any visible transformation in organizational culture.

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