A System for Securing the Durabilityn and Effectiveness of the Three Seas Initiative


Three Seas Initiative
Central Europe
European Union

How to Cite

Lorek, A. M. (2021). A System for Securing the Durabilityn and Effectiveness of the Three Seas Initiative. Central European Political Studies, (3), 75–93. https://doi.org/10.14746/ssp.2021.3.5


Abstract The purpose of this article is to evaluate the security system for the durability and effectiveness of the Three Seas Initiative as an informal union of Central European countries. The author diagnoses a set of elements that constitute potential ‘fuses’ for implementing the goals set by 3SI: embedding the Initiative’s priorities within strategic EU programmes, informalization and decentralization of cooperation, and development of mutual business and economic cooperation. The analysis of the security system has been embedded in the context of contemporary challenges faced by Europe. In order to verify the problem of security mechanisms, desk research was carried out, which consisted of a system (political) analysis and elements of strategic analysis. The result of the research work was to determine the mutual interaction and conditioning of the individual pillars of the durability and effectiveness of 3SI. Thus, evidence was carried out for the legitimacy of recognizing the three previously defined aspects as crucial for the effective operation of the Three Seas Initiative.



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