The air, water and soil pollution is one of the most frequently discussed issues related to environmental threats. It is also perfectly embedded in the general public awareness. However, the situation is different in the case of space pollution. The awareness of cosmic debris and threats it can pose is low or absent in contemporary societies. This may be due to the low promotion of knowledge about space in the media, as well as the fact that threats of this type appeared quite recently. The number of scientific publications on the topic of space debris is limited. The cognitive gap also concerns knowledge about threats posed by space waste and methods of eliminating them. The cognitive gap has been the reason to raise this topic. The aim and thesis of this publication is to show that space debris poses significant ecological threat on a global scale. At the same time, however, there are ways to reduce its impact. The publication is designed to increase the awareness of the subject among members of our society. The research hypothesis is: There is a serious relationship between space debris and a significant impact on the global environment and humans. The paper discusses the concept of space pollution, its sources, and forms and divisions. Particular attention has been given to ecological threats posed. The publication also shows examples of actions aimed at limiting this harmful phenomenon. The article is based on information published in books, magazines, and in the net. The research method used in the publication is the analysis of existing data and literary criticism. Results of the research account for a positive verification of the hypothesis.
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