Psychological mechanisms of disinformation and their impact on social polarization


information security
international security
social polarization

How to Cite

Lewandowski, P. (2024). Psychological mechanisms of disinformation and their impact on social polarization. Central European Political Studies, (2), 85–104.


This article examines the complex relationship between disinformation activities and the rise of social polarization. The study identifies the main psychological mechanisms through which disinformation exerts its impact and explores their connection to factors shaping polarizing social attitudes. The article conceptualizes the key disinformation factors that contribute to social polarization. By integrating research perspectives from social psychology and social research on communication, polarization, and disinformation, cognitive mechanisms are applied to the field of security sciences.


Publication co-financed by the state budget as part of the Minister of Education and Science program “Science for Society II” (project number NdS-II/SP/0381/2024/01, total project value PLN 450,938).


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