The article focuses on the borrowings types from the Ukrainian language into the Russian one based on the analysis of V. Dahl Dictionary of the Russian language. The direct and indirect borrowings, the cognate borrowings, lexical, lexical-semantic borrowings and their semantic types; the borrowings that became the facts of the Russian literary language and the ones that enriched the Russian language as the dialect words have been singled out. The Ukrayinisms enriched the passive stratum of the Russian language because they nominate the archaisms as well as the active stratum of the Russian language taking into account the stylistic diversity and the diversity of style, representing the direct and indirect nominations. Not all the facts of borrowings from the Ukrainian language fixed by V. Dahl are registered in modern dictionaries of the Russian language. The nominations of the facts of Ukrainian culture, its history, lexemes that verbalize the key concepts of Ukrainian mentality, exotisms and ethnographisms belong to the borrowings-Ukrayinisms in the Russian language.References
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