The theme of the paper is a motive of “life as a journey” in the prose of Valery Shevchuk. I chose a novel Tini Znykomi as an ustrative material because of its symbolic picture of wandering, that stands in opposition to the modern concept of “nomadic man”, characterised by unbinding to places and indifference to their roots and origins. The aim of the journey in this novel (as in many other Shevchuk’s works) is not escaping from homeland or experiencing the diversity of the world. On the contrary, the goal is seeking the ancestral, cultural and spiritual origins. The metaphor of the journey is based on the concept of “spiritual journey” created by Hryhory Skovoroda, that aims at self-knowledge and moral improvement. At the same time, this “spiritual journey” embeds the main character in the history and values of his national culture and is the way to self-awareness — not only personal, but also national.References
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