The study elucidates a topical problem related to the manifestation of characteristic parametric features of such important concepts as the lingual picture of the world, the conceptual picture of the world, the artistic picture of the world. In the course of the investigation, the process of formation of linguoconceptology as an independent field of research is considered, the meaning of the term linguoconceptology is clarified, the object and subject of this approach along with its purpose and objectives are revealed. We conclude that linguoconceptology is based on the identification and study of concepts, as well as means that represent them. The picture of the world is a set of ideas of a person about the world. Conceptual and lingual pictures of the world are intertwined: the former objectifies knowledge in the human mind, which is accumulated through the lingual picture of the world, though it is much broader; the latter implies a means of studying certain individual or national characteristics of human behaviour through modelling concepts. The artistic picture of the world stands out as it is built on the basis of the actualisation of both objective and subjective representations of the world simultaneously, as well as on human consciousness, which borders on the unconscious and illusions
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