The article presents an overview of the lingual situation in Ukraine, in the Transcarpathian region in particular, within the time span of a year since the law On education (September 2017) was ratified till the adoption of the draft of the law whose aim is to ensure functioning of Ukrainian as the state language. The status of Ukrainian as a state language is considered in the closest connection with socio-political phenomena in the country and the whole world. The analysis of deep and formalized interviews with different categories of respondents conducted during this period sheds light on the process of language selection in the field of education, in particular as a sign of cultural and political development of contemporary Ukrainian society in its westernmost part — Transcarpathia.
Dubovyk O., „Movne pytannia na Zakarpatti pidnimaiut abo cherez hlupstvo, abo zh dlia rozkolu krainy” [„The Language Issue in Transcarpathia is Raised Either Because of the Incompetence or for the Reason of Splitting the Country”], [v:] Elektronnyi resurs: https://gazeta.ua/articles/politics/_movne-pitannya-na-zakarpatti-pidnimayut-abo-cherez-glupstvo-abo-zh-dlya-rozkolu-krayini/474383?mobile=true (22.10.2018).
Zakarpatski deputaty prosiat Poroshenka vetuvaty Zakon „Pro osvitu” [Transcarpathian Deputies Ask Poroshenko to Put a Veto on the Law „On Education”], [v:] Elektronnyi resurs: https://zik.ua/news/2017/09/21/zakarpatski_deputaty_prosyat_poroshenka_vetuvaty_zakon_pro_osvitu_1171779 (22.10.2018).
Zakon pro movu robyt nemozhlyvym vykorystannia uhorskoi movy u publichnomu prostori — Siiiarto [The Language Law Makes it Impossible to Use the Hungarian Language in Public Space — Siyarto], [v:] Elektronnyi resurs: https://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/news-szijarto-ukraine-hungary/29538140.html (22.10.2018).
Klimkin: sproby RF vykorystaty sytuatsiiu na Zakarpatti zahrozhuiut Yevropi [Klimkin: Russia’s Attempts to Use the Situation in Transcarpathia are Threatening Europe], [v:] Elektronnyi resurs: https://www.eurointegration.com.ua/news/2018/10/12/7088109/ (22.10.2018).
Kolyshnii uhorskyi ministr stav na zakhyst Ukrainy u konflikti z Budapeshtom [Former Hungarian Minister Stood for Ukraine in Conflict with Budapest], [v:] Elektronnyi resurs: https://www.eurointegration.com.ua/news/2018/10/12/7088111/ (22.10.2018).
Movne pytannia v Zakarpatti: Natsionalisty proty oblasnoi vlady, oblasna vlada proty nardepiv [The Language Issue in Transcarpathia: Nationalists Against the Regional Authorities, the Regional Power Against Deputies], [v:] Elektronnyi resurs: http://prozak.info/index.php/Suspil-stvo/Movne-pitannya-v-Zakarpatti-Nacionalisti-proti-oblasnoyi-vladi-oblasna-vlada-proti-nardepiv (22.10.2018).
Movne pytannia na Zakarpatti pidnialy cherez hospodarsku diialnist, — Tsybulko [The Language Issue in Transcarpathia was Raised through Economic Activity, — Tsybulko], [v:] Elektronnyi resurs: https://zik.ua/news/2017/09/22/movne_pytannya_na_zakarpatti_pidnyaly_cherez_gospodarsku_diyalnisttsybulko_1172675 (22.10.2018).
„Movne pytannia na Zakarpatti shtuchno polityzovane”, — ministr zakordonnykh sprav Ukrainy [„The Language Issue in Transcarpathia is Artificially Politicized” — Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine], [v:] Elektronnyi resurs: https://goloskarpat.info/power/5a2178ef8d491/?utm_content=031 (22.10.2018).
MON proponuie dlia hromadskoho obhovorennia proekt novoi redaktsii ukrainskoho pravopysu [MES Proposes a New Draft for Public Discussion Concerning Ukrainian Spelling], [v:] Elektronnyi resurs: https://mon.gov.ua/ua/news/mon-proponuye-dlya-gromadskogo-obgovorennya-proekt-novoyi-redakciyi-ukrayinskogo-pravopisu (22.10.2018).
Petrovets O., „Zakon Kivalova-Kolesnichenka” skasovano. Shcho dali? [„The Law of Kivalov-Kolesnichenko” has been Canceled. What’s Next?], [v:] Elektronnyi resurs: https://www.pravda.com.ua/columns/2018/03/7/7173902/ (22.10.2018).
Rishennia Konstytutsiinoho Sudu Ukrainy u spravi za konstytutsiinym podanniam 57 narodnykh deputativ Ukrainy shchodo vidpovidnosti Konstytutsii Ukrainy (konstytutsiinosti) Zakonu Ukrainy „Pro zasady derzhavnoi movnoi polityky” [The Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the Case of the Constitutional Petition of 57 People’s Deputies of Ukraine on the Compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine (Constitutionality) of the Law of Ukraine „On the Principles of State Language Policy”], [v:] Elektronnyi resurs: http://www.ccu.gov.ua/sites/default/files/docs/2-p_2018.pdf (22.10.2018).
Ruda O. H., Movne pytannia yak obiekt manipuliatyvnykh stratehii u suchasnomu ukrainskomu politychnomu dyskursi [The Language Question as an Object of Manipulative Strategies in the Contemporary Ukrainian Political Discourse], NAN Ukrainy, In-t ukr. movy, Kyiv 2012.
Tolochko N., Naukovtsi UzhNU shukaiut dlia Ukrainy yii unikalnyi shliakh vyrishennia movnoho pytannia [Scientists of UzhNU are Looking for Ukraine’s Unique Solution of the Language Question], [v:] Elektronnyi resurs: http://mediacenter.uzhnu.edu.ua/news/naukovtsi-uzhnu-z-yasovuvaly-mehanizmy-realizatsiyi-movnoyi-polityky-v-po-lilingvalnomu-suspilstvi/2018–06–17–23030 (22.10.2018а).
Tolochko N., Cherez dialoh do konsensusu: v UzhNU vidbuvsia kruhlyi stil, prysviachenyi movnii sytuatsii v Zakarpatti [Through Dialogue to Consensus: Round Table was Held in UzhNU, Dedicated to the Linguistic Situation in Transcarpathia], [v:] Elektronnyi resurs: http://mediacenter.uzhnu.edu.ua/news/cherez-dialog-do-konsensusu-v-uzhnu-vidbuvsya-kruglyj-stil-prysvyachenyj-movnij-sytuatsiyi-v-zakarpatskij-oblasti/2018–06–03–22498 (22.10.2018b).
Uhortsi Zakarpattia vystupyly z provokatsiinym zvernenniam shchodo “movnoho pytannia” [Hungarians of Transcarpathia Made Aprovocative Appeal Concerning “Language Question”], [v:] Elektronnyi resurs: https://antikor.com.ua/articles/196040-ugortsi_zakarpattja_vistupili_z_provokatsijnim_zvernennjam_shchodo_movnogo_pitannja (22.10.2018).
Farion I., Proiekt pravopysu 2018 — dytia kompromisu: i vashym, i nashym [Spelling Project 2018 — a Child of a Compromise: Both Yours and Ours], [v:] Elektronnyi resurs: https://blogs.pravda.com.ua/authors/farion/5b8c59e9296a4/ (22.10.2018a).
Farion I., Suspilnyi status staroukrainskoi (ruskoi) movy u XIV–XVII stolittiakh: movna svidomist, movna diisnist, movna perspektyva [Social Status of the Old Ukrainian (Ruthenian) Language in XIV-XVII Centuries: Linguistic Consciousness, Linguistic Reality, Linguistic Perspective], Lviv 2018b.
Chepynoha V., Movne pytannia na Zakarpatti y u Sinhapuri [Language Question in Transcarpathia and Singapore], [v:] Elektronnyi resurs: http://www.umoloda.kiev.ua/number/0/2010/116057/ (22.10.2018).
Shumytska H., Uzhhorod — Chernivtsi — Odesa: mova osvity yak instrument intehratsii suspilstva [Uzhhorod — Chernivtsi — Odessa: Language of Education as a Tool of Society Integration], [v:] Elektronnyi resurs: http://mediacenter.uzhnu.edu.ua/news/uzhgorod-chernivtsi-odesa-mova-osvity-yak-instrument-integratsiyi-v-suspilstvo/2018–10–21–26511 (22.10.2018).
Yak seliany na Zakarpatti “yazykovoy vopros” vyrishuvaly [How did Peasants of Transcarpathia Solved the “Linguistic Question”], [v:] Elektronnyi resurs: https://gazeta.ua/articles/istoriya-movi/_ak-selyani-na-zakarpatti-yazykovyj-vopros-virishuvali/689827?mobile=true (22.10.2018).
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