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proverb, pragmatics, speech act, illocution, representative, directive, expressive.
speech act

How to Cite

КАЛЬКО, В. . (2020). UKRAINIAN PROVERBS AS SPEECH ACTS. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 8(2), 33–44.


Proverbs are fixed linguistic symbols reproduced by the speaker, which are characterized by a communicative purpose, given by the collective addressee – by a folk. They are purposeful speech actions, speech acts of which prompt to study the peculiarities of their pragmatics. The presence of independent illocutionary forces in proverbs transforms them into speech acts, which is also evidence of the discursive nature of proverbial semiosis. Depending on the intention, proverb statements can take on the semantic status of affirmation, ascertaining, promise, warning, threat, order, requirement, advice, еvaluation etc. It also singles out pragmatically shaped features of the Ukrainian paremia possessing genuine illocution for such speech acts as representatives, directives, or expressives. The thesis reveals the indirect speech acts in the Ukrainian paremia stock that are characterized by imbalance between illocution and illocutionary force.
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