The article focuses on spelling competence as a component of a lecturer’s professiogram in the field of linguistics disciplines. In particular, the authors analyze how psycholinguistic factors form the current pedagogical competence. The professiogram of a lecturer in the educational paradigm covers such characteristics as competence, professionalism, and mastery, as well as the conditions of its acquisition, development, and criteria for evaluation. Spelling competence in the structure of the professional language-communicative competence of a philologist is a part of several “subsystems”: spelling competence → linguistic competence → professional lingo-communicative competence. It is also a complex formation, which contains cognitive, operational, active, valuesemantic, and behavioral components. The current article reveals the phenomenon of speech in connection with the deployment of spelling skills. Its development involves the transformation of external speech into the internal, when the reproduction of a word’s image occurs automatically, and the actual linguistic process remains outside the consciousness.
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