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“new manˮ
socialist realism canon
socialist realism

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The article is devoted to the research of socialist realism canon in Ukrainian literature. This canon is considered an artificially modeled power project in the sphere of culture and literature which aimed at creating a monostylistic system with clearly defined rules and recommended schemes, especially including thought-out characters understandable for the mass Soviet reader in order to monopolize power at all levels and to establish a new Soviet identity (“homo sovieticusˮ). The socialist realism canon is a complex and heterogeneous phenomenon. It imposed patterns for analysing and reflecting on reality in art and culture. From the 1930s, any texts following the authorities’ regulations acquired a typical structure, predictable and recognizable features that turned literature into a mass-produced uniform “artistic” product. The task of such a governmental experiment was both to transform the world, and to change the way reality was perceived. The aesthetized falsification of existence, the clear domination of everything “ideological” and “totalitarian” in the field of culture, shaping the socialist realistic theory as a process of politicizing artistic consciousness - these are the blocks that determined the formation and functioning of the socialist realism canon of Ukrainian literature. The publication reflects a new vision of the problem of the literary representation of the Soviet Pantheon of Heroes in the socialist realism texts, in particular novels by Natan Rybak, Yurii Zbanatskyi, Oles Honchar, Andrii Malyshko, Natalia Zabila etc. Basically, the idea is that in order to build a bright future the Soviet system needed a new man, so all the forces were thrown into the “new
anthropological typeˮ. The article deals with the modeling role of the hero-warrior in the socialist realism text. This image was established in the mass consciousness by means of propaganda and agitation.
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