Lina Kostenko’s verse novel Marusia Churai is a unique phenomenon in the Ukrainian literature and has an inexhaustible potential for research. This paper is dedicated to Lina Kostenko’s 90thbirthday. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the question has not been adequately explored, since the existential dimensions of this work have received only fragmentary attention or have been briefly touched upon. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze existential basis of the work by the case of Marusia Churaivna. The research stream is “literature studies”, “the philosophy of literature”. On the basis of existentialist methodology introduced by a Danish philosopher S. Kierkegaard (later developed by A. Camus, J.-P. Sartre etc.), we can claim that both the analyzed novel itself and its protagonist in particular possess major existentialist features expressing deep poetic inner philosophy, which results in changes of outer existence. We can actually speak about Marusia Churaiivna’s paradigm of existence which forms her spiritual essense, personal (and im-personal) view on life (as “Me”-in-myself) and which she managed to live through: love/betrayal/pain/loneliness/otherness)/death.
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