The article is devoted to the analysis of narrative strategies in the debut novel of Illarion Pavliuk White Ashes. Taking into consideration the author’s intention and tracking the influence of the textual indicia on the recipient, the article aims to find out how the narration is organized and what artistic effects the author was trying to achieve. The features of retrodetective and noir as “adrenaline” genres present in the novel are analyzed. The cinematic qualities of the work as a result of the author’s intention is marked. The leading narrative strategy used in the novel, the intertextuality, is highlighted, in particular, the intertextual interaction with the story of M. Hohol Vii, and the influence of intertextems on the reader’s interpretation of the text. The phenomenon of unreliable narration is considered on the basis of the selected material and it is proved that the homodiegetic narrator, private detective Taras Bilyi, is unreliable. The strategy of using prolepsis and provoking the reader’s hesitation which is realized through the formation of doubts about the nature of the artistic convention of the events described, is also examined.
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