The article deals with the novel Amadoka by Sofia Andrukhovych as a explication in fiction of Marianne Hirsch’s notion of ‘postmemory’. This notion, which is of great significant in contemporary social studies and humanities, means a “structure of the inter- and trans-generational transmission of traumatic knowledge and experience”. What Sofia Andrukhovych offers the reader is something of an experiment – implanting artificial memories, transferring the previous generations’ traumatic experience to a person who has lost their memory by being wounded in the Donbas war. The aim of the research is to analyse the sensual nature of the novel Amadoka in terms of ‘New Sincerity’, an aesthetically and ethically relevant trend associated with the metamodern worldview. The primary focus is on how features of the ‘new sincerity’ are expressed in Andrukhovych’s novel. These features include: seriousness and a lack of irony in narrative; reference to emotions and feelings in the novel (or a fixation with their absence in the moments where they should have been present); awareness of the contradictory nature and ambivalence of human feelings; the individual’s doubts in his or her ability to be sincere; manipulations with the reader’s faith and trust; and the importance
of that was left “off the page”.
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